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Formal Education:
B.Sc., Applied Physics (Solid-State & experimental), U. of Sherbrooke, (1984-1989)
Here is a list of a few things I’ve been working or toying with in the last thirty years
Writing, Public Relations, Evaluation
- Technical evaluation and writing for the federal SR&ED tax credit program
- Technical Writing & Translation work
- Technical adviser for public relation campaign
Design & Prototyping
- Electro-mechanical consumer product development
- Mechanical design of a Prototype Electrical Linear Motor
- Mechanical design of micro-electronic components.
- Portable dental equipment
- Truck air-actuated disk brakes
- CNC solar photometer telescope (aureolemeter)
- Hi-vacuumUV photometer for a nuclear fusion reactor
- Farm Windmill design and fabrication
- Instrumentation design
- Technical adviser
Business / Business development
- Venture capital seeking, assisting with various company startups.
- Laboratory Centrifuge Refurbishing.
- Photographer (event, studio, digital & wet lab) & Image Production.
- Website development and marketing
- Industrial machinery brokering
- Importer, retail and corporate sales and manufacturing agent
- Plastic film sales rep and machinery operator
General Maintenance
- Medical X-Ray equipment serviceman
- Automotive maintenance
- home renovations
Other Courses
- Nautical courses with the Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons
- Boating
- Seamanship
- Advanced Piloting
- Junior Navigator (Celestial Navigation)
- marine VHF certificate
- Fundamentals of Weather & Global weather
- Select classes in Aeronautical Engineering (in French)
- Caractéristiques de l’Avion
- Aérodynamique
- Matériaux en Aéronautique
- Asservissement
- RF modulation techniques, electrical engineering dept, U. of Sherbrooke
- Photography
- studio and portrait
- events
- B&W lab
- Color lab
Other technical skills, knowledges, hobbies and personal interests.
- General maintenance and troubleshooting (mechanical and electrical)
- fabrication ( machining, welding)
- carpentry, renovation and building trades skills, including concrete, stone laying, wiring, plumbing.
- plastic injection molding mold design
- 3D CAD and CAM
- Basic analog and digital electronic circuit design and troubleshooting
- inorganic chemistry, mercury and other toxic metallic waste reprocessing technologies and environmental regulation
- electrochemistry & metal finishing
- vehicle safety and braking & related government standards (FMVSS)
- applied cryptography, data security
- small business accounting
- cinematography and video
- optics
- gold and precious metal chemistry, refining and reclaiming
- metal detector operation (prospecting and other)
- solar energy (swimming pool heating, home-made solar collectors)
- experimental aviation (construction and maintenance, ex-Program Director of E.A.A. chap. 266, Montreal )
- Nautical science and boats
- Archery, firearms (shooting and reloading), fishing and hunting
- dancing (East/West Coast salsa)
Health interests:
- Fitness in the context of Evolutionary Biology
- High intensity exercice / CrossFit
- ‘Paleo’-style dieting and evolutionary approach to nutrition
- weight loss and muscle mass rebuilding
- the concept of metabolism as an adaptive system